A Selection of Hillary's Presentations
2020 Presentations
- February 17, 2020: Learning Disabilities Association of America’s 57th Annual International Conference: "Transition Plans: IDEA/504/ADA-Debunking Common Misconceptions" in Orlando, Florida
- February 24, 2020: Autism New Jersey: Transition Conference Building "Compliant and Effective Transition Plans" in Newark, New Jersey
- March 8, 2020: Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA): "Addressing Trauma in Schools" in Baltimore, Maryland
- March 9, 2020: Disability Allies: "Transition from School to Adult Life" in East Brunswick, New Jersey
- March 12, 2020: Parents of Autistic Children (POAC): "Overview of Guardianship and Estate Planning" in Ewing, New Jersey
- March 22, 2020: Learning Disabilities Association of New Jersey: "Life in High School and Beyond" in Ewing, New Jersey
2019 Presentations
- October 27, 2019: ASPEN's Annual Fall Conference: "Paving the Way for a Successful Future" by Effective Transition Planning in Somerset, New Jersey
- December 2019: Parents of Autistic Children (POAC): "Accessing Appropriate Sex-Ed From Public Schools & State Agencies" in Ewing, New Jersey
2018 Presentations
- January 2018: Parents of Autistic Children (“POAC”): Autism Sexuality Education – Navigating Relationships, Avoiding Victimization, and Becoming Empowered
2017 Presentations
- March 2017: Council of Parents and Attorney Advocates (“COPAA”): Protecting the Benefits of a Child with Special Needs during a Divorce.
- May 2017: 2017 United Nations World Autism Awareness Day: Navigating Relationships: Dating Marriage and Parenthood (New York, New York).
2016 Presentations
- November 14th, 2016: (7-9 pm): "Special Education Seminar (New Jersey Law Center)" - open to the public.
- December 2, 2016: NBI: "Anatomy of an Effective Section 504 Plan and on Discipline and Expulsion."
- December 7, 2016: NBI: "Protecting the Benefits of a Child with Special Needs During a Divorce."
2014 Presentations
- January 22, 2014 -- Parents of Autistic Children (POAC): "Transition Planning for a Child with a Developmental Disability" in Ewing, New Jersey;
- February 3, 2014 -- Jersey Shore Down Syndrome Association: "Overview of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)" in Toms River, New Jersey;
- February 10, 2014 -- " Back to School Night" at Sterling High School: "Transition Planning for a Child with Special Needs (e.g. Special Education, SSI, Medicaid, Guardianship, Special Needs Trusts)" in Somerdale (Camden County);
- February 12, 2014 - Parents of Autistic Children (POAC): "Guardianship and Estate Planning for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities" in Woodbridge, New Jersey;
- March 10, 2014 -- East Brunswick SEPTO: "Transition Planning from School to Adult Life" (Ages 14-21) in Middlesex County, New Jersey;
- March 11, 2014 -- Family Support Organization: IEP Review - free 20 minute consultations by appointment only in Brick, New Jersey;
- March 18, 2014 -- Family Support Organization: IEP Review - free 20 minute consultations by appointment only in Parsippany, New Jersey;
- March 21, 2014 -- American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) 51st Annual Convention and Scientific Seminars: "Legal and Education Pearls for ADHD/ADD" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
- March 25, 2014 -- Montgomery Academy: "Transition Planning from School to Adult Life" in Basking Ridge, New Jersey;
- March 29, 2014 -- St. Barnabas Pediatric Developmental Center: "Advocating for Children with Autism"
- April 1, 2014: -- Family Support Organization: IEP Review - free 20 minute consultations by appointment only in Westmont, New Jersey.
2013 Presentations
- 2013 6th Annual Bucks County Autism Support Coalition (BCASC) Autism Conference: "Estate Planning, Guardianship and Transition Plans"
- 2013 COPAA's 14th Annual Conference (Albuquerque, NM): "Paving the Way for a Successful Future with Effective Transition Planning"
- 2013 COPAA's 14th Annual Conference (Albuquerque, NM): "Common Core State Standards and Development of Standards" - Based Individual Education Programs
- 2013 JCC of Central New Jersey: "How to Best Prepare for your Child's IEP"
- 2013 Westfield Parent Support Group - Special Education: "Tips for your Preparing for your IEP Meeting"
- 2013 Parents of Autistic Children (POAC): "Evaluating the Appropriateness of an IEP"
- 2013 Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC: 2013 Elite Financial Advisor Conference: "Special Needs Trusts"
2012 Presentations
- 2012 Schafer's Gym (Lawrenceville, NJ): "Parental Rights in Special Education"
- 2012 Princeton Regional Schools: "Parent Advocate - How to manage the IEP"
- 2012 Parents of Special People (POSP): "POSP- IEPs and 504 Plans: Understanding the Laws of Special Education"
- 2012 Learning Disabilities Association: "Accessing Special Education and Related Services"
- 2012 JFK Hospital: "Accessing Adult Services"
- 2012 JCC-Tenafly: "FAPE - IEPs and 504 Plans"
- 2012 Friendship Circle of Mercer County: "The most fundamental issues confronting families of children with disabilities"
- 2012 Friendship Circle of Mercer County: "Transitioning to College and the Workplace"
- 2012 Family Support Network of New Jersey: "Legal Issues surrounding Bullying in Schools"
- 2012 Family Support Network of New Jersey: "Accessing Social/Emotional Support through the IEP"
- 2012 Family Support Center of New Jersey: "IEP Reviews"
- 2012 Brain Injury Association of New Jersey: "Guardianships and Estate Planning"
- 2012 Berkeley Heights Parent Support Groups: "School district, insurance and state agency responsibilities"
- 2012 Autism NJ: "Prevent Bullying in Schools"
- 2012 ASCEND: The Asperger and Autism Alliance of Greater Philadelphia: "Paving the way to a successful future for your loved one with ASD"
- 2012 Bucks County Autism Support Coalition (BCASC) 5th Annual Autism Conference, Warrington, PA: "How to Build a Socially Savvy IEP: What to Teach and How to Advocate for It."
- 2012 Old Bridge Public School's Parent University: "Transitioning to Life Beyond High School"
2011 Presentations
- 2011 Westfield Parent Support Group: "IEPs Focusing on children with ADHD & Autism"
2010 Presentations
- 2010 Transition Fair: Accessing Adult Services, Wissahickon, PA: "Adult Services"
- 2010 St. John of God: "Special Education: Preparing your child's IEP"
- 2010 Special Parents for Exceptional Children, Chestnut Hill, PA: "Estate Planning & Guardianship"
- 2010 Special Olympics of New Jersey: "IEPs"
- 2010 RWJ Hospital New Brunswick, NJ: "Meeting the educational needs of students with Cancer"
- 2010 Piscataway Regional Day School: "Special Education Services in a Time of Declining Resources- Working with your School District, Piscataway Regional Day Schoo"l
- 2010 Partnership for Community Support: "Estate Planning & Guardianship"
- 2010 Mt. Laurel, New Jersey: "Meeting the needs of a Child with Autism"
- 2010 Morristown Memorial Hospital: "Overview of Special Education law"
- 2010 Edison Intermediate School: PTC: "Preparing for your child's IEP: know your legal rights"
- 2010 5th Annual Penn Autism Network Conference: "Promoting Healthy & Successful Lives for Individuals with ASD: Demysticizing Benefits and Services for Adults with ASD"
- 2010 Transition Fair: Accessing Adult Services, Wissahickon, PA: "Accessing Adult Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities"
2009 Presentations
- 2009 National Autism Conference: "Siblings Speak Out"
- 2009 Autism NJ Annual Conference: "IEPs: What is Appropriate Anyway?"
- 2009 BCASC 2nd Annual Autism Conference, Warrington, PA: "A Round Robin of Legal Issues for Older Children and Adults with Autism"
- 2009 Lehigh University's 37th Annual Education Law Conference: "Who can Consent in Special Education?"
- 2009 Learning Disabilities Association of New Jersey: "Accessing Accommodations on High Stakes Testing"
- 2009 NJ Chapter Prader Willi Syndrome Conference: "Accessing Adult Services & Adult Siblings as Decision-Makers"
- 2009 NJSBA 11th Annual Elder Law Retreat: "Special Education Practice Issues and Tips"
- 2009 National Business Institute: "Legal Aspects of Managing Autism Spectrum Disorders at School"
- 2009 Williams Syndrome Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA: "Housing & Estate Planning for Individuals with Williams Syndrome"
2008 Presentations
- 2008 COSAC/Autism New Jersey Annual Conference: "Siblings Panel"
- 2008 ASPEN: "Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder & DDD Eligibility Requirements"
- 2008 Villanova Conference Center, Radnor, PA: "Advocating for your Child: State and Federal Special Education Law"
- 2008 Penn State National Autism Conference: "Siblings Speak Out"